Let's Make Fragrance Jelly Jars

To make the Fragrance Jelly:

1)   Fill a container with 16 oz. of distilled water.

2)   Pinch of table salt (optional, see step 7 below)

3)   Add 1 teaspoon of the Water-Gel Crystals (Medium Blend).

4)   Stir in 2-4 teaspoons fragrance oil.  Water based scents work just as well. 
      Some fragrance oils suppliers will cause issues so test on a small sample first.

5)  Add a few drops of food coloring for desired color.  Food coloring is found at your local grocery store.
      Mix with liquid before adding crystals or stir in after gel has absorbed the liquid. 
      Use which method that provides the best color effect that you desire. 
      Another method to color the gel is with cake icing coloring which is found in most craft stores and is available in
      numerous colors  –  stir into your jelly until desired color is achieved.

6)  Mix all ingredients and allow to sit for several hours. 
     The crystals will soak up the water and expand into little gel-like pieces. 
     Makes enough to fill two 8 oz. Jelly Jar with Fragrance

7)  The addition of a pinch of salt has been said to help preservation and may help prevent the cloudy appearance
      that sometimes occur over time.

8)  Fragrance Jelly jars look cute with lace, or thin material in the lids, (using only the rim and leaving out the middle piece).
      This helps keep dust off your smelly jellies.
      Pick a material that goes with your product theme, such as country.
      Or you could pick a material to match the scents, like fruits, flowers, etc!

9)  You can also use Fragrance Jelly in potpourri warmers for an even stronger scent!


           Selling Water Absorbent Gel Crystals since 1995

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Make These Great Craft Projects

Fragrance Jelly Jars